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Example of explosive ordnance found by 1st Line Defence in Nottinghamshire.

Case Study – Nottinghamshire

>>> UXO Disposal, UXO Risk Assessment, UXO Survey & UXO Support

Case Study – Avonmouth, Bristol

>>> UXO Risk Assessment, UXO Survey & UXO Support
Image showing Bomb tail pistols recovered during ground remediation works at Full Sutton in Yorkshire.

Case Study – Full Sutton, Yorkshire

>>> UXO Disposal, UXO Risk Assessment, UXO Survey & UXO Support

Case Study – Arlesey, Bedfordshire

>>> UXO Risk Assessment & UXO Support
British 500lb high explosive unexploded bomb found during excavation operations at a site in Thetford, Norfolk.

Case Study – Thetford, Norfolk

>>> UXO Survey & UXO Support
3-inch mortar round found during Target Investigation in Loch Rannoch, Scotland.

Case Study – Loch Rannoch, Scotland

>>> UXO Risk Assessment, UXO Survey & UXO Support
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