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What is UXO Disposal?

1st Line Defence offers the expertise and technology to meet a range of UXO Disposal needs, both on land and in water.

The final removal/disposal of an item of explosive ordnance is the most critical part of the UXO risk mitigation process. Any item of UXO, be it live or inert, should always be disposed of safely and with the minimum amount of disruption to all parties involved.

1st Line Defence can coordinate the entire disposal process, from the installation of protective works to supplying specialist equipment and explosives.

We employ highly trained/specialised Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Engineers who undertake the operation with meticulous planning and careful consideration of safety at all times.

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1st Line Defence provide end-to-end UXO risk mitigation solutions

Once a potential item of explosive ordnance has been found on a site, our UXO Operatives will examine the device, identify what it is and what hazard it poses.

If it is found to be inert – containing no explosive or hazardous content – then we can safely remove the item from site and arrange for it to be safely disposed of. For example, the device may be a practice or ‘drill’ round, it may be unfuzed or found to be empty or burned out.

If the device cannot be identified and/or confirmed as inert, the item is treated as live and dangerous – and a Hazard Assessment is undertaken.

The assessment will take into account factors such as the nature and condition of the explosive device, its location and depth. At this stage, an assessment will also be made of how the device can be safely disposed of.

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UXO Disposal Scenarios

If a high explosive German bomb is found (50kg or more) and it cannot be confirmed as inert, our UXO operatives will liaise directly with military bomb disposal teams. The disposal operation will then be taken over by the authorities, who will attend site and make plans to either render safe and remove the bomb – or where this is not possible – to dispose of the item in situ.

When other items of UXO are encountered such as grenades, mortars and projectiles – disposal by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) or Police services may still be possible, and our EOD Engineers would contact the appropriate authorities.

However, it is becoming much more common that the military will not attend site, and advise that a commercial UXO contractor (such as 1st Line Defence) to dispose of the item(s) – see MoD guidance below. In these scenarios, 1st Line Defence can provide on-site UXO Disposal solutions for most types of explosive ordnance.

Where items need to be stored prior to disposal, we work with local Police forces to obtain the correct explosives licences and provide specialised storage magazines. We utilise both ‘High order’ and ‘Low order’ disposal techniques, depending on the nature of the item of UXO and the results of the Hazard Assessment.

Ministry of Defence (MoD) Guidance about UXO finds by the Construction Industry

In March 2025, 1st Line Defence received guidance from the MoD regarding the disposal of UXO finds on commercial/construction sites:

“Whilst there is no UK legislation defining the actions for aggregate yards or anyone in the construction industry to check for UXO prior to construction work, employers are obliged under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015, to provide a safe system of work for all employees and members of the public that reduces any risk to As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).”

“The continuation of construction work without a clear explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) contract in place to safely remove and dispose of any UXO is a violation of this direction and guidance.”

“Where there is a reasonable expectation that munitions will be recovered during clearance operations, it is expected that a commercial contract for conventional munitions disposal will be included as part of a business continuity plan.”

“The document – Construction Industry Research Information Association (CIRIA) C681 – provides direction and guidance on how this should be conducted. Military EOD will no longer attend a working area unless the item of UXO becomes an immediate risk to life activity and that is beyond the remit of any civilian UXO contract that is in place.”

In practice this guidance means that any UXO company undertaking survey/support work where there is the expectation that items of UXO may be encountered – excluding items which pose an immediate threat to life or larger items such as high explosive bombs – must have the expertise and means of commercially disposing of those items themselves, and cannot necessarily rely on the MoD to undertake disposal.

Such disposal operations should therefore be planned into the budget for a project, especially those being undertaken on ex-military land such as airfields, training areas etc.

UXO Disposal Services

High order: This disposal technique generally utilises plastic explosives and a remote firing system to produce a controlled detonation. This generally occurs in a specially constructed demolitions area, and with appropriate protective works and safety distances/cordons – to protect infrastructure in the surrounding area and for the safety of personnel working on-site.

Low order: This disposal technique causes the explosive inside the device to burn out without detonating. A common method used by 1st Line Defence is to deploy a thermite lance, which is a focused flame with a temperature of more than 2000oC that burns through the targeted ordnance – igniting the explosives within and allowing them to deflagrate.

Once a disposal operation has taken place, the item(s) and area are inspected to make sure the hazard has been completely removed.

Why should I choose 1st Line Defence for UXO Disposal services?

UXO Disposal projects require detailed planning, communication and intricate execution – and we thrive under the pressure of operating in these challenging conditions.

1st Line Defence is a member of the Institute of Explosive Engineers and we constantly invest in new technologies to make sure we remain at the forefront of innovation within the UXO Disposal industry.

Our ex-military EOD Engineers have extensive experience in undertaking UXO Disposal operations all across the UK and around the world. You can also rest easy in the knowledge that 1st Line Defence hold Health & Safety accreditations from the industry’s leading bodies and institutions – your safety is our top priority and we are experts in our field.

Explore our Case Studies


Aerial photography of the site location and boundary – circa 1947.

Case Study – East Sussex

>>> UXO Disposal, UXO Risk Assessment, UXO Survey & UXO Support
Example of explosive ordnance found by 1st Line Defence in Nottinghamshire.

Case Study – Nottinghamshire

>>> UXO Disposal, UXO Risk Assessment, UXO Survey & UXO Support
Image showing Bomb tail pistols recovered during ground remediation works at Full Sutton in Yorkshire.

Case Study – Full Sutton, Yorkshire

>>> UXO Disposal, UXO Risk Assessment, UXO Survey & UXO Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse the most commonly asked UXO Disposal questions or contact us directly for more information

UXO Disposal
Low and High order disposal operations conducted by ex-military EOD professionals

What is UXO Disposal?

Whether an item of unexploded ordnance (UXO) has been pro-actively detected through UXO mitigation, or unexpectedly found during development, the discovery of explosive ordnance will naturally cause concern.

When an item has been discovered, the first step is to identify whether the item contains any explosive or hazardous content and whether the device poses a risk. If so – the device will either be removed to be disposed of elsewhere or it will be destroyed in-situ.

One of the traditional methods for disposing of UXO is to place a counter charge next to the explosive device and detonate it – this is known as 'High order' disposal. A ‘Low order’ disposal technique is generally one that causes the explosive inside the device to burn out without detonating.

What methods of UXO Disposal does 1st Line Defence use?

We utilise both ‘High order’ and ‘Low order’ disposal techniques, and the technique we proceed with will depends on the type of ordnance discovered: its age, condition and the results of the Hazard Assessment.

The majority of UXO Disposal operations we manage generally utilise plastic explosives and a remote firing system to produce a controlled detonation – this is called ‘High order’. However, we can also deploy a ‘Low order’ disposal technique which causes the explosive inside the device to burn out without detonating.

What is a typical UXO Disposal procedure?

UXO Disposal companies will prepare for the effective and safe destruction of explosive ordnance relevant to the operating environment. This could include single and multiple-item demolitions of items in situ, and EOD operations are carried out in a manner that minimises any impact on the environment and surrounding areas.

Planning for the destruction of multiple-item ordnance demolitions is conducted by suitably trained EOD operators. Special attention is given to managing the containment of the demolition blast, ground shock and fragmentation. Disposal sites chosen for multiple-item ordnance demolitions should be located sufficiently far away from densely populated areas to remove unnecessary risk to the general public.

What is a UXO Disposal site?

A disposal site is an area specifically designated and prepared for the destruction of explosive ordnance. Disposal sites should be selected to make sure that hazards associated with explosive destruction operations are reduced to an acceptable level, in line with the requirement to protect the environment, general public and surrounding areas.

What are the general principles and procedures for UXO Disposal?

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) operations involve the detection, identification, evaluation, recovery and disposal of explosive ordnance. EOD may also be undertaken as a routine part of clearance operations. Such operations may involve mine clearance, a single device or a number of items – for example multiple ordnance discoveries from ex-military land or training facilities.

The effective management of UXO Disposal includes, where necessary, the capability to conduct EOD operations in a safe and effective manner. This involves a formal risk assessment of the hazards and the development of a safe and effective EOD procedure.

This includes the preparation of appropriate measures for disposing of explosive ordnance, the use of trained and qualified EOD operators, effective and safe equipment, stores and supplies.

What is the difference between ‘High order’ and ‘Low order’ disposal?

The main difference between ‘High order’ and ‘Low order’ disposal operations is that ‘High order’ disposal forces a detonation and explosion due to using plastic explosives. The aim of ‘Low order’ disposal is to ignite the explosives within and allowing them to deflagrate without generating an explosion.

What would happen if an unexploded bomb (UXB) or an item of UXO is found on my site?

If a suspected item of UXO or a UXB is discovered by our UXO Specialists on-site, they will implement set incident management procedures to make sure the item is dealt with safely and appropriately. This will depend on factors such as the nature of the item, its condition, its depth, the location it is found and whether is it live or inert. 1st Line Defence can dispose of the item or will arrange for its disposal / removal so that works can resume as quickly as possible.

What should I do if I unexpectedly encounter explosive ordnance?

If you ever encounter a suspicious item – our professional advice is that do not touch or move it and get immediate assistance from the Police or from a commercial UXO risk mitigation company like 1st Line Defence. An item of UXO requires some input of energy if it is to detonate/function – be it through shock, vibration, heat etc. Mishandling an item or disturbing it unnecessarily can increase this risk – so the rule is ‘do not touch’.

Will the Police, Emergency services or MoD come to my site if I find explosive ordnance?

Please see the guidance 1st Line Defence received from the MoD below.

Whilst there is no UK legislation defining the actions for anyone in the construction industry to check for UXO prior to construction work – employers are obliged under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 – to provide a safe system of work for all employees and members of the public that reduces any risk to As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).

The document – Construction Industry Research Information Association (CIRIA) C681 – provides direction and guidance on how this should be conducted.
If developers decide to proceed with construction work without EOD/UXO Risk Mitigation support, or a business continuity plan in place to safely remove and dispose of any explosive ordnance should it be encountered – this is a violation of CIRIA’s direction and guidance.

The MoD have advised that Military EOD will no longer attend a construction site unless the item of UXO becomes an immediate risk to life activity, and/or it is beyond the remit of any commercial UXO contractor that has been appointed.

Where there is a reasonable expectation that explosive ordnance will be discovered during clearance operations, it is expected that a commercial UXO contractor will be appointed to manage any necessary disposal operations. With this guidance in mind, contractors and developers should make sure that UXO Risk Mitigation is considered and investigated prior to any groundworks or site investigations being undertaken.

How do I make an enquiry about UXO Disposal services?

To discuss your project requirements, contact us on +44 (0) 1992 245020, info@1stlinedefence.co.uk or use our contact form and we will get in touch to discuss your request.

Looking for UXO Disposal Services?

If you need help or advice about our UXO Disposal Services, contact our experts for more information.

Call: +44 (0) 1992 245020 or Email: info@1stlinedefence.co.uk

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